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Writer's pictureAmy Shilling

How To Work From Home

Make each day a romantic date...

So here we are, back in lockdown. Whatever your views may be on the situation, the fact is, is that we cannot change what is happening out there. What we can change what's happening in here.

Many of us are working from home, some of you have children, family, pets or are even alone. All of these bring about their own difficulties, but remember you are not alone in how you feel. Everyone is feeling the strain, pressure and stress of what is happening right now, and I'm here to share with you a few of my ways of keeping sane (ish).

Especially when we work from home, everything can become a bit of a blur, day rolls into night, rolls into week and months and all of a sudden we are here in November. It can be frustrating trying to separate work and home life, but I say, let's embrace it.

Why not make each day like a romantic date for yourself? I know I sound crazy...but hear me out.

First of all, when you wake up...take a shower, not because you might, but I'm not here to judge. Shower because it honestly makes you feel 100 times better about yourself. Even if you just have 5 minutes, or 2 minutes, use that shower time to move and massage your body. When we wash ourselves, we have to move our body around (think of it as a bit of shower yoga) you could even get adventurous and add a few extra stretches in there (be careful not to slip of course). Use a sponge or cloth that feels good on your skin and imagine it like a massage, relaxing those muscles and releasing any stress. Yes, this can all be done in just 2 minutes.

Clear a space. This is really important. Even if it means throwing some blankets over mess or hiding it away in cupboards, clear your space of clutter. If you don't have the luxury of an extra room, or hiding the mess, then push your work space up against the wall and stick a nice picture up. I like to light a scented candle, because it's romantic and smells pleasant, why not! I make the room the perfect temperature for me (no fighting with the ac/heater). Surround yourself with plants and any other things that make you feel happy.

There's no rushing off to work with breakfast in hand. So why not make yourself a beautiful breakfast buffet, have plenty of fresh fruit and what ever your favourite breakfast may be. If it's not quite ready in time for clocking on, that's no problem, you're at home! Take your time! Do the same for your lunch, have something exciting cooking and check on it in between meetings and emailing. You could even go wild and get dinner cooking whilst you work! What a luxury.

This one can be dangerous near a computer, but why not live a little on the edge, drink your water out of a wine glass. There's just something fancy and romantic about drinking out of a wine glass. Every now and again you can close your eyes and imagine you're in a posh restaurant in the south of France sampling the finest wines. Bonus: if you close your eyes and start smiling to yourself, no one will be there to judge you or laugh.

If you don't have a comfortable place to work, then you might want to change your place throughout the day. If you're not sitting comfortably, then you will start to notice aches and pains. This usually happens when we are in the same position for a long length of time which is not supportive for the body. By changing from one uncomfortable position to another, you will at least be changing the shape around, therefore decreasing the risk of pain.

Get up and move. I know you hear this all the time, but it is really important. If you have time, go outside and get some fresh air, if it's available try out some online yoga classes. If you're homeschooling the children, keeping the house and working, then just have a little dance around. Change your perspective on cleaning the house and instead of seeing it as another chore, turn it into something fun. Make it a game (with or without children), make it fun, put on your favourite song and dance whilst you clean.

If you are living alone and working from home, remember that in the workplace, you would take 5 minutes here and there to talk to your colleagues. Do the same thing when you're at home, it might not be your colleagues, could be your friends or family. Call them or message them for a quick chat, but avoid social media as much as you can. Social media does not always show the true story, and can sometimes make you feel a little lonely. Call people who cheer you up even if you don't really have anything to say. Chances are they'll enjoy a little break from work too.

So, there you have it, my secrets for trying to stay sane. It doesn't always work and I still have days where I literally go crazy, but these tips help. We can't change what's happening out there, but we can make it a little more fun and a little less serious in here. See if maybe, amidst this chaos, we can find a bit of calm, maybe even something positive about lockdown 2.0.

If you are feeling lonely or stressed, then you are welcome to join in the online yoga classes I have been offering throughout the year, all by donation: Click Here To Find Out More

I also offer online therapy and coaching if you feel like you need extra guidance in this trying time. Click Here To Find Out More

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